What is melamine faced chipboard and what can i make with it ? July 31, 2024What can I make using melamine board ?
Adding more storage space the easy way July 10, 2024Creating extra storage space has never been easier
Feature Wall Panelling made easy !! April 25, 2024Oak strip wood effect panelling made easy. Quick to fit feature wall panelling
Customer reviews and Feedback February 7, 2024Please leave reviews or feedback especially when the service and product have been good
UK Sanctions against Russia and how it affects us September 18, 2023New Sanctions come into play to ensure that any Tools, Fixings and Fasteners imported or exported do not contain iron or steel originated from Russia
Update your kitchen on a budget June 26, 2023Its no secret that there is a cost of living crisis but that needn't stop us updating our homes. Our low budget kitchen doors are available on fast and free...